Artist, Musician, Berlin

Personal statement

“One of the most touching moments for me was when many of the visitors had temporarily made their way to the Warschauer Strasse in order to experience the official programme, the “Balloon Wall” live, but a small group of artists and visitors had remained in the Galiläakirche. While live images of the large-scale balloon project were streamed onto the large projection screen in the church, Bob Rutman played his part of the 24-hour vigil, the piece “Requiem for the DDR”, on the Steel Cello. This music was so moving and atmospheric that, in comparison with the depth of Bob Rutman’s sounds, conveying both a sense of lament and at the same time immanent redemption, the well-intentioned and media-effective event involving the balloons, the balloon wall, came across more like a children’s playground.” (Wolfram Spyra)